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Laser Hair Removal.
Laser Hair Removal
Long Pulse Nd:YAG Laser ( Gentle YAG Laser, Candela, USA) at our clinic offers a gentle, non-invasive & long lasting solution to unwanted hair on the face, back, legs, underarm, bikini line or any other body area. Treatment is suitable for both Men & women.
HOW DOES IT WORK?An intense beam of light with single wavelength is delivered at hair. The light is absorbed by the pigment in black hair root, which weakens the follicle enough to reduce future growth. The beam of light is attracted to colour therefore darker hair responds best to treatment. White, red or blonde hair does not respond well, if at all to treatment.
WHAT HAPPENS DURING TREATMENT?Your treatment begins by trimming back the hairs above the surface of the skin. You will be asked to wear protective eye shield to protect your eyes from the bright light. Next a cool ice pack is applied to the treatment area. The hand piece then is applied to the skin and pulses of light disable the unwanted hairs.
WHAT DOES THE TREATMENT FEEL LIKE?Each pulse feels like a sting or pinch similar to the snap of a rubber band with a little heat for 2-3 minutes following treatment. Most clients tolerate the treatment well. No anaesthesia is required.
ARE THERE ANY POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS?Side effects are rare. You may experience some slight reddening or local swelling on the treatment area; however this typically disappears within 1-2 hours. We advice to avoid sun exposure before and after each treatment to avoid any complications with skin response. Following treatment, clients can generally return to normal activities immediately.
WHAT KIND OF RESULTS CAN I EXPECT?This system has been approved by the FDA (Food & Drug Administration) to permanently reduce the number of hairs regrowing following treatment. The number of sessions depends on several factors including-area to be treated, color & texture of the hair, hormonal influences, medical history etc. The average number of sessions is usually between 6-8, however a customised treatment programme will be designed & discussed with you at your initial consultation estimating how many treatments may be required. Maintaince sessions are often required to maintain the results- these can vary from a few months to a few years depending on the treatment area and the individual client.
